This is my favourite restaurant on the north of the coast. You really can't afford to go there if you only earn as much as I do, but on the back of a good pokie win, we all have the potential to experience this joint.
This was my second visit there, and flying in the face of what I just said, it was actually quite reasonable, unless your idea of reasonable is 2 free salads with your barbeque chook, it may not be quite that good, but it's close. $35 locals night. Two Courses. Don't drink too much alcohol because that is when you might find yourself ringing your mum to cover the bill via phone.
I just need to put it out there, that I have been accused of being a bogan in the past. Many times. I am comfortable with this label, although I am always trying on new personalities so I would like to think that for a couple of hours I could pretend that I belong in this rich mahogany room, with people who probably don't enjoy shopping in Kmart as much as I do. Alas it was over before it started and I got out of the car and strode confidentially towards the restaurant, only to have hubby call me back and remind me I was still wearing my knee high Ugg Boots and I should possibly change into some of the less bogan shoes I store throughout my car.
Problem fixed, off we go.
Yes we can have a table! This is going well.
I am a really annoying eater, I am difficult and picky, and dining with me can be one of the more embarrassing experiences of your life, so when I see that the menu has 3 choices for each course, which I would actually eat. I am in heaven. This restaurant really is good.
The waiters know their stuff without being overbearing and wanky and the food came out in a way that made me wonder if they had a direct line to my stomach, and knew just when to shove more food in front of my face.
I had, pork belly with citrus glaze, thyme chicken and some chocolate mousse desert thing. Hubby had a special which was brocolli, zuchhini and kale soup with an egg in it. The thought of that made me want to puke but I tried some and it was pretty awesome, however I didn't have any with the egg in it, that sounds barf worthy. My hubby assured me it was awesome. He had the beef pot pie also.
Smiles all round. No complaints that I could make an awesome blog out of I am afraid!
My divine pork belly, whom which I covet in my sleep, was a little over cooked, I might not even have noticed, but I have had it before and it was definitely a bit more shrivelled this time. I still shoved the whole lot in my gob in about 45 seconds flat. You do not waste good pork belly ever. I'm pretty sure that it's a crime.
Our dessert was SUPER rich, but this is not a whinge, I just don't like super rich and wasn't expecting it, others may well feel I am being a snot nosed little brat and I should just get over it. I pretty much have, it wasn't that bad and I love chocolate, so even bad chocolate is pretty good. I just have to mention food in my blog or it becomes a bit of an issue.
I really think this is the pinnacle of hospitality. A place where one can go to feel sophisticated and have a bit of a dress up, but a place where I am sure that if my husband had not of noticed my Ugg boots and I walked in the restaurant with them on, there would of been no issue! I told him this. He doesn't care.
Anyway, go here, they have lots of good stuff going on. Just heed my advice. Stay away from the bar.
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